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Our center combines transdisciplinary research and extension to encourage the transition towards sustainable climate-smart land management approaches. Our research focuses on:

  • Plants in a tray with soil

    Soil biogeochemistry & advanced analytical methods

    Conduct fundamental research to fill knowledge gaps and develop methods for rapid and rigorous quantification of soil carbon changes

  • Tractor in a field

    Next generation carbon removal approaches

    Develop and validate new tools, advanced measurement and modeling approaches, and support fellowships and engaged research

  • A team of workers discussing plans in a construction site

    Incentive structures for wide scale adoption

    Work with agricultural producers, industry, and advocacy groups to right-size and implement incentives for implementation of climate-smart agricultural systems

We develop tools for planning, outreach, & education

The demand for soil carbon solutions to climate change has grown rapidly over the past few years, with many companies, non-governmental organizations and academic institutions responding to the call for action. Through our research, we provide the knowledge and tools required to scale solutions rooted in soils through coordination and cross-disciplinary work.

Scientists looking at wires of machine
Hands holding soil

Why soil?

Soil is one of the largest natural carbon reservoirs and an important climate mitigation tool that is ready to deploy today.

Agricultural producers are already experiencing the impacts of climate change while managing soils. By adopting practices and technologies that regenerate soil and build soil carbon, producers can bolster their climate resilience and at the same time, play a meaningful role in decelerating climate change by reducing agricultural greenhouse gas emissions and drawing down carbon from the atmosphere. These activities can also help improve the environmental, economic and social sustainability of food, fiber and bioenergy production.