Unlocking the potential of soil for a more sustainable planet
Soil is one of the largest natural carbon reservoirs and an important climate mitigation tool that is ready to deploy today. Accelerating the adoption of regenerative agricultural practices that build soil carbon on working lands offers the potential to substantially draw down atmospheric carbon while improving the environmental, economic and social sustainability of food, fiber and bioenergy production.
We use the latest science to predict and quantify carbon drawdown capacity, enhance farmer livelihoods, and avoid unintended consequences.

A transdisciplinary team building more resilient agricultural systems
At Colorado State University, we have access to world-class thinkers and researchers with unique expertise in soil ecology and biogeochemistry, engineering, crop genetics, agro- and environmental-economics, extension and outreach, business development, humanities, and environmental policy. Members of our team have built companies that scale soil carbon services and integrate soil carbon, greenhouse gas, and economic models to inform the design of soil carbon incentives.
Together, we know what it takes to implement solutions at scale, overcoming barriers to create change from science to innovation to implementation.

Our approach
As a university-based Center, we keep cutting-edge research (basic, pre-competitive, and industry driven) at the heart of all of our efforts. We maintain a diverse project portfolio that meets our mission of bringing soil-based solutions to scale, including carbon removal technologies, GHG modeling, and more.
We create tools based on the needs of our stakeholders. Our goal is to leverage past, ongoing and future research to translate our academic knowledge into developing applied solutions. We apply rigorous methods to test and validate soil-based solutions across a range of contexts to ensure they can scale.
By studying opportunities and barriers to implementation, we engage with varying values, interests, and cultural outlooks in the soil carbon solutions space. Our goal is to keep pulse on the developing interests around practices linked to carbon farming as they evolve in both private and public sectors.