MEMS Model

The MEMS V1.0 model is a simple one soil layer process-based model that simulates soil carbon formation and decomposition.

The MEMS model is designed to implement soil organic matter formation hypotheses that represent our best understanding of carbon cycling within the soil. However, as with all mathematical models, MEMS is a simplified abstraction of the complex mechanisms that control the flow of carbon from inputs into soil. Consequently, MEMS relies on several assumptions (see Robertson et al. 2019) and its simulation outputs include inherent uncertainty. The primary purpose of the MEMS model is to provide ecosystem scientists with a tool that can be used to evaluate the impacts of changes in management and climate on the flows of carbon in varied edaphic conditions. The initial model version (MEMS V1.0) is limited in its application to real world situations but MEMS 2.0 expands initial capabilities and will be available via the consortium soon. Continued development of MEMS is scheduled to include adopting a multi-layer approach with explicit hydrological cycling and root litter decomposition simulations to depth. Furthermore, an explicit nitrogen sub-model will complement the carbon sub-model to facilitate feedbacks between the two.

Downloads currently available to Ecosystem Modeling and Data Consortium members. If you are a consortium member, proceed to acknowledge the Terms of Use and Download. Otherwise, fill out the Terms of Use form and we will be in touch with instructions about how to join the Consortium.

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Graphical representation of the MEMS 1.0 model


  • Robertson, A.D., K. Paustian, S. Ogle, M.D. Wallenstein, E. Lugato, et al. 2019. Unifying soil organic matter formation and persistence frameworks: the MEMS model. Biogeosciences 16(6): 1225–1248.

  • Zhang, Y., Lavalle, J.M., Robertson, A.D., Eve, R., Ogle, S. M., Paustian, K., Cotrufo, M.F. 2021. Simulating measurable ecosystem carbon and nitrogen dynamics with the mechanistically defined MEMS 2.0 model. Biogeosciences, 18, 3147–3171,, 2021

  • Zhang, Y., King, A.E., Hamilton, E., Cotrufo, M.F. 2024. Representing cropping systems with the MEMS 2 ecosystem model. Agronomy Journal 116(5): 2328-2345.