Dr. Lauren Gifford contributes to new report: A just world on a safe planet: a Lancet Planetary Health–Earth Commission report on Earth-system boundaries, translations, and transformations

Associate director, Lauren Gifford, is among an interdisciplinary group of more than 60 earth, social, and physical scientists from more 20+ countries who contributed to a significant new report published this week in Lancet Planetary Health and produced by Earth Comission that connects the resiliency and stability of the planet to the quality of life for people worldwide, particularly underserved populations.

The report focuses on how the earth is at a tipping point, and its ability to provide for its people (us) depends on action, in the form of policy change and transformation of economic systems and technology. Gifford hopes that the report will bridge the gap between social justice and earth system science for the mainstream audience. “This report shows that a safe and just world is possible,” says Gifford.


Francesca Cotrufo and other SCSC affiliates were selected for funding from NSF CO-WY Engine


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