AGU 2024: Call for Submissions

Dr. Ames Fowler, our ecosystem modeler, is now welcoming submissions for American Geophysical Union in December.

Submissions are welcome for developing, operationalizing, and using integrated tools for SOC and GHG quantification, and resulting policy and management.

Session B081 - Quantifying Soil Organic Carbon for Global Change:
Inspiring a Community-based Data and Model Integration Effort

Storage of soil organic carbon (SOC) of managed soils presents one critical nature-based solution to mitigate climate change. However, current long-term monitoring data is sparse relative to soil’s rich heterogeneity, limiting even sophisticated model-based extrapolations to landscape-level estimates of GHG fluxes. A SOC and GHG quantification toolbox is needed to support effective policies, programs, and investments at the local and regional scales.

This session highlights the multi-pronged set of approaches needed to overcome this challenge and provide robust, cost-effective quantification of SOC change and GHG emissions. These approaches integrate in-situ data; advanced proximal and remote sensing, and hybrid process-based and AI models. This community effort toward data and model integration addresses the development of gold-standard benchmark datasets of SOC, GHG fluxes, and land use histories; quantification of systemic bias and uncertainty in observation data and model simulations; and development of partnerships and infrastructure to accelerate data assimilation and model ensembles.


  • Interdisciplinary integration of next generation soil sensors, monitoring networks, remote sensing, and modeling for local and regional assessment, planning, and implementation.

  • Leveraging and integrating long-term experiments with models.

  • Innovative research partnerships to support end-to-end integrated approaches and information products.

Primary Convener
Ames Fowler
Colorado State University

Jyoti Jennewein

David Schimel

Submit an abstract here by July 31st:


Recently published: Rocky Mountain Soil Health Roadmap


New Report from National Academy of Sciences: Exploring Linkages Between Soil Health and Human Health.