Dr. Francesca Cotrufo will be presenting on soil dynamics: Identifying mechanisms and controls of POM and MAOM formation and persistence
Living microbes need energy delivered by oxidation or organic substrates coupled to reduction of electron acceptors. Soil Systems, their biodiversity and ecosystem services are underpinned by energy flows and storage in form of SOM, bio and necromass that are subject to the laws of thermodynamics. Yet, energy-based descriptions are largely missing. For the first time, the DFG joint research program SoilSystems aims to integrate a thermodynamic description of the soil system in order to gain a systemic view on energy and matter fluxes and their interactions with living and non-living soil components.
8:30AM-10:00 AM MST
(16:30-18:00 CEST local time, that’s central Europe)
Learn more here: https://soilsystems.net/events/soilsystems-webinar-series/
Join on zoom: https://uni-trier.zoom-x.de/j/69489215191?pwd=MTFGdEdybXQ5MWNYbk9MS3cxQWx2QT09